BHPL Board Member: Pascale Soriano

Pascale SorianoPascale Soriano, of Penobscot, was a long-time summer resident until 6 years ago, when she and her husband, Jose, made our area their primary residence.  A Swiss native, and mother of two, Pascale has lived around the globe including Asia, Europe and New York.  In the winters she spends time in Switzerland to visit family and friends and her two children who are pursuing careers abroad.

Multilingual and an avid reader, Pascale has been a dedicated library user for many years.  She is well known to the staff as a kind, engaged, keen patron. Beyond the library, hers is a family of business, art, and sailors, who enjoy our area’s nautical beauty and sport.

Pascale brings an international perspective to the board and appreciation for arts and letters. We are delighted to welcome her. —By Kathryn Dillon