Blue Hill Library Building Use Policy

Requesting a room reservation at the Blue Hill Library? Please read through this policy carefully. It describes what we expect of you, and what you can in turn expect from the library. If you agree to comply by these rules, click the link at the end of this page to be taken to our reservation system.

Permitted uses: Meeting room access is granted on an equal basis to all adults regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of the groups requesting access. In general, meetings that do not interfere with normal library business are permitted. Permission to hold any meeting, presentation or other use of any facility does not mean that the library supports, endorses, or advocates any view expressed therein. The Blue Hill Library does not allow revenue-generating activities hosted by individuals and for-profit entities on the premises.  Rooms may be booked up to 9 months in advance.

Elvira Bass Room: The Bass Room, which is located in the library’s basement is available for groups from 1 to 12 people during library hours.  In order to keep this shared resource available to as many as possible, it may be reserved for up to 6 hours weekly per individual or organization.

Roland Howard Room: may be reserved for meetings of at least 6 individuals on site.  Informal, open-door use of the Howard Room is welcome anytime during business hours when a meeting is not scheduled.

Fee: There is no fee for use of the library meeting rooms, but please be aware that the library depends on the community’s generosity to provide basic services.  Please consider a tax-deductible donation in recognition of meeting room use.

After-hours usage: A valid library card and building orientation is required for using the Howard Room during closed hours.    Lost keys will result in a charge of $100.

Food: may be consumed in the meeting rooms only if the sponsoring group thoroughly cleans up and disposes of all trash. Alcoholic beverages may be served on library premises only with advanced permission from the Library Director.

Set up & clean up: The room must be to returned to the condition in which it was found, including table and chair configuration. A vacuum and cleaning supplies are available in the adjacent art gallery lobby closet. The person reserving the room is responsible to pay for any clean-up or damages to the facility.  If required, cleaning will be billed at $50 per hour.

Publicity: Any individual or group that uses the library for a public event must clearly state who is sponsoring the event in all publicity materials. Any press release, announcement or poster should clearly state “This event is sponsored by (Name of Individual or organization)”. In no case will the library’s logo be used in any publicity materials for community-sponsored events.

Access and Security: The person requesting the use of the library’s space is responsible for all damage, theft or vandalism that may occur to the library during the event(s).  If the event is hosted while the library is closed, attendees should use only the parking lot entrance. The entrance may not be left unlocked or propped open at any time while unattended.  If monitoring the door is not possible, please lock the door and instruct guests to ring the doorbell for entry.

Click here to accept this agreement and request a room

Questions? Call us at 207-374-5515.

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